General FAQ:
Making Simple Syrup and Snowball Syrup
Making Sugar Free Syrup
Making Chocolate Syrup
Using Fruit Acid / Preservatives
Using Splenda
How to make shaved ice, snowball or snow cone flavor syrup
Chocolate Syrup Recipe
Fruit Acid and Perservative
Simple Syrup and Snow Ball Syrup
Sugar Free Diet Snow Ball Syrup
Flavors List

Making Simple Syrup and
Snowball Syrup [Top]
Simple syrup is sugar dissolved into water. The hotter the water the easier
it is to dissolve the sugar. The syrup will become clear and thick as it cools.
Some snow ball outlets use 5 lbs. of sugar per gallon of simple syrup and others
use 6 lbs. of sugar per gallon. After the simple syrup is flavored it becomes snow ball syrup. The 6 lb. per gallon snow ball
syrup is recommended for its
richness and strength as the snow melts. Less of the thicker 6 lb. sugar mix
is required to flavor a snow ball. Quantity simple syrup recipes are listed below.
6 lbs. of sugar per gallon
simple syrup recipes:
6 lbs. sugar + 2 qt. 6 ozs. water
= 1 gal. syrup
25 lbs. sugar + 2 gals. 1 qt. water
= 4.125 gals. syrup
50 lbs. sugar + 6 gals. 2 qts. water
= 8.25 gals. syrup
100 lbs. sugar + 9 gals. water =
16.5 gals. syrup
5 lbs. of sugar per gallon
simple syrup recipes:
5 lbs. sugar + 2 qts. 1 pt. water
= 1 gal. syrup
25 lbs. sugar + 3 gals. 1 pt. water
= 5 gals. syrup
50 lbs. sugar + 6 gals. 1 qt. water
= 10 gals. syrup
100 lbs. sugar + 12 gals. 2 qts.
water = 20 gals. syrup
Some snow ball outlet owners cook
their simple syrup. Cooked syrup should be brought to a boil for three to five minutes.
The cooking process breaks down the sugar into two simple sugars — dextrose and
levulose. Depending on the ratio between the two sugars, the cooked syrup should
be between 12% and 24% sweeter than syrup made with hot water only. As the cooked
syrup ages two or three days it will become thicker. Cooking kills most bacteria
and thus provides a longer shelf life for the syrup.
It is not necessary to cook simple
syrup to prepare a good snow ball. Only one out of twenty snow ball outlets will
cook their simple syrup. The disadvantages are the heat generated, labor involved
and general inconvenience.
Snow ball syrup is prepared by adding
four ( 4 ) fluid ounces of Southern Snow flavor concentrate (extract) to color and
flavor a gallon of simple syrup. Shake the flavor concentrate before using. Flavor
concentrates have a shelf life of about three years. Snow ball syrup has a shelf
life of about two weeks. Do not make large quantities of syrup in advance. Syrup
should be kept out of direct sunlight to retard bacteria growth and protect the
Toppings [Top]
(Approximate one ounce servings)
Can evaporated milk is the most
common topping. The manner in which evaporated milk compliments flavors is listed
as follows:
Strawberry - Strawberries &
Pineapple - Pineapple Sherbet
Banana - Bananas & Cream
Orange - Orange Sherbet
Spearmint - Grasshopper or Cream
De Menthe
Can evaporated milk adds a rich
ice cream quality to any flavor snow ball the most popular of which are listed as
ICE Cream
Pina Colada
Can condensed milk adds a rich icing
to any flavor snow ball.
Some snow ball outlets have found
soft serve ice cream a profitable high demand topping. A hole is melted through
the center of the snow ball by the snow ball syrup. The hole is filled with soft
serve ice cream.
Whip cream can be quickly added
to the top of any snow ball.
Crushed pineapple, crushed cherries, whole cherries, nuts and other ice cream related
toppings are also snow ball toppings. Most high volume snow ball outlets do not
promote or even sell these toppings. Even when these toppings are chilled they have
a tendency to melt the snow ball quickly, thus causing the top to collapse or the
melting snow ball to run over the sides of the cup.
Making Sugar Free Syrup [Top]

4 ½ Tablespoons
EQUAL + 25ml. flavor concentrate + water to prepare one-fifth bottle
of diet snow ball syrup.
Diet flavor thickener
4 ½
Tablespoons EQUAL
+ 1 Teaspoon
( 3 grams ) GUAR GUM +
25ml. flavor concentrate + water to prepare one-fifth bottle diet snow ball syrup
One pound of
GUAR GUM cost $2.00 and will thicken 36 gallons of diet syrup.
EQUAL BULK PACK powder mixes easily.
The GUAR GUM requires additional agitation
and the proper amount added at one time per batch.
After the water has been thickened
and the thickened water will not receive additional
GUAR GUM. The following instructions
are for preparing a one-fifth bottle.
Fill a one-fifth glass bottle to the bottom of the neck with room temperature water.
Pour this water into an empty gallon jug.
Measure 4 ½ tablespoons EQUAL in on
teaspoon GUAR GUM.
Add both powders to the same small dry container so that the two powders
can be poured into the gallon jug quickly.
Have a dry funnel available if necessary.
Pour the two powders into the gallon jug.
Put on the cap and shake vigorously immediately for 20 seconds.
Pour the diet syrup base through a strainer to remove any
GUAR GUM that did not dissolve.
It is easiest to pour diet syrup base through a strainer on top of a funnel that
is sending the liquid into the original one-fifth glass bottle.
Add four-fifths ounce (25 ml.) of the desired flavor concentrate to complete the
bottle of diet snow ball syrup.
Some snow ball outlets use less
than the recommended amount of EQUAL
with favorable results.
Making Chocolate Syrup [Top]
Standard Recipe - 40 oz. Hershey’s Chocolate syrup plus 80 oz. simple
syrup equals approximately one gallon.
Better Recipe - 60 oz. Hershey's chocolate syrup plus 80 oz. simple syrup
equals approximately one gallon.
Best Recipe - 90 oz Hershey's chocolate syrup plus 30 oz. simple syrup
equals approximately one gallon.
Hershey's chocolate syrup is too
bitter to use full strength as snow ball syrup and requires some simple syrup. One
ounce of Southern Snow vanilla flavor concentrate and for Southern Snow imitation
chocolate flavor concentrate can be added to any recipe however it is not necessary
or recommended.
A cream flavor's preparation starts
with approximately one half gallon simple syrup. Next add four ounces of the flavor
concentrate desired. While stirring, add two 13 fluid ounce cans of evaporated milk.
Fill with additional simple syrup to prepare one gallon. The flavor concentrate
and simple syrup is mixed before the evaporated milk is added to avoid direct contact
of the milk and flavor concentrate. This direct contact sometimes complicates the
blending process.
A fifth bottle of a cream flavor
requires 5 fluid ounces of evaporated milk and four fifths ounce (23 ml.) of flavor
concentrate. Fill bottle with simple syrup. A quart bottle of a cream flavor requires
6% fluid ounces of evaporated milk and one ounce (28 ml.) of flavor concentrate.
Fill bottle with simple syrup.
The most popular cream flavors are Ice Cream, Nectar Cream and Pina Colada. Some
snow ball outlets call the Ice Cream Old Gold or Sunset and Nectar Cream is called
Pink Lady, Pink Squirrel or Pink Panther.
Using Fruit Acid / Preservatives [Top]
Fruit acid is used to increase the
tartness of the fruit flavored snow ball syrups. A little fruit acid goes a long
way. Fruit acid is added in increments of one—half to one ounce per gallon of snow
ball syrup. Too much fruit acid can rob a syrup of its flavor. Southern Snow flavor
concentrates contains the required amount of fruit acid and additional fruit acid
is not required.
Mix well one ounce [1 oz.} of benzoate
soda to each gallon of simple syrup before the flavor concentrate is added. Benzoate
soda will extend the shelf life of snow ball syrup by retarding the growth of bacteria
and mold.
Another method of extending the
life of syrups is by shaking the syrup dispensers daily. Whether the syrup has preservatives
or not, this method will disrupt bacteria and mold growth.
This preservative contains potassium
sorbate as well as benzoate soda. The potassium sorbate will retard mold growth
in a broader range of flavors including less tart flavors such as banana, spearmint
and bubble gum. The directions for use is the same as those for benzoate soda -
one ounce per gallon of simple syrup.